We do not offer Children’s Church over the summer time.
Nursery is available for 2 years old and under at 9:30 AM and 11 AM.
Preschool through 5th Graders will check in at the Gathering Kids kiosk before 9:30 AM to get their name stages then go into worship service with their families. They will dismiss just before the sermon to go to Children’s Church. Grades K-5 will have Large Group Bible Story Time together. Preschoolers will go to their classroom to play, watch the Bible Story Video, and have a snack during this time.
Sunday School is offered at 11:00 AM. Children will stay in the same location. Preschoolers will have their Bible story lesson and activities. Elementary students will have a snack then watch their Bible story videos, do their activities, and have discussion, and pray together.
The Children’s Directors are Marsha Tronstad (Noland Campus).